Saturday, February 25, 2012

Eden's Fresh Horses....So Sorry

Linking up with Eden and The Fresh Horses Brigade, so deep breath........
Sorry for hearing a sentence and gambling a whole families future on it.
Sorry for destroying what you thought was so rosy.
Sorry that you never looked beyond what you believed to be so perfect.
Sorry for wanting more.
Sorry that I survived.
Sorry that I allow your pretence to exist.
Sorry that you are so fake.
Sorry that you believe lies.
Sorry that I can't be bothered to correct others opinions.
Sorry that avoidance becomes acceptable.
Sorry that my time is spent and spent and then spent some more.
Sorry that you are there and I am here.
Sorry that I can't accept that this is all there is.
Sorry for your lack of care.
Sorry that you can't win. (!)
Sorry that you are stupid.
Sorry I never exposed your illegal activities.
 Sorry I can't watch as your internal organs crumple and your spine disintegrates. (Bugger)
Fast forward
That was then, I scraped through by the skin of my teeth.
 Confucius says (always wanted to type that): "A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake."
(Hopefully Confucius can extend his statement to women as well.)
I am well into the correcting. I am completely exonerated and free and that's my response for correcting any "mistakes" that I may have committed.
Sorry that you will never say sorry.
But the thing I'm most sorry for is that I have ugly feet........ sigh


  1. "Sorry that I allow your pretence to exist." I LOVE THIS. Best sentence ever.

    And wow, can I feel the strength oozing from you. POWER.

    Thank you so much for linking up. x

  2. Thanks for creating the arena to link up.....and I think Paris IS calling your they have Roller Derby


I'm listening......................