Sunday, January 8, 2012

Safety in Numbers?

There is a saying "The more things change, the more they stay the same......" I never really understood this I couldn't actually get it.....I do now.
 I have had two children who have spread their wings and ventured out into this big old world ( well one kept returning/leaving on a regular basis but it seems like it's a safe bet this time he's left for good) but the things they have left behind.!!!....and I'm not referring to the clothes,surfboards,books, DVDS, computer bits and pieces, shoes, text books and a myriad of boy's something entirely different. So with both of them goneski the members in my  household have in fact increased. Let me introduce my expanded family.....
The fish (I don't know its fish need names?)
 Meow Meow
Tom and Tom (frankly I can't tell them apart)
So the more things change around here, the more they stay the same, still shopping for "food" (although in different aisles these days), still cleaning their "rooms" or tanks or cages, still needing to be home to look after them, or arrange for someone to take over when I exit stage left for a holiday. Just am grateful it's one rabbit not two.....who knows what that outcome could bring......Later........ off to feed an animal or two (wow it really is like the old days)

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